1) You feel as if you are “walking on eggshells” around this person. This could pertain to feeling physically threatened or feeling scared to share your opinions out of fear of someone’s emotional reactions to what you have to say. If you find yourself hesitating to speak up, or feel like you have to be very cautious around someone, consider it a red flag for a negative and unrewarding relationship.
2) You don’t feel healthy, and there is no exact medical explanation for your ailments. This could be inexplicable aches and pains, respiratory issues, chest pains, etc. These physical or biological symptoms that doctors are having trouble explaining could be a sign that something is stressing you out – and it could be one of your relationships. It could be your partner, your sibling, your parent, your coworker, etc. Our bodies are very good at detecting things. For example, when something gets stuck in our eyes, we start tearing. When we are stressed, our hair starts to fall out. When we eat something toxic, our body tries to vomit it out. As such, our body can most certainly react to stressful people in our environment as well. Consider what is on the back of your mind, and tackle it.
3) You are always arguing with the person. Small arguments are considered healthy for any relationship, but constant blow-ups are not good for anyone. If you are struggling to meet common ground with someone and always fighting, you should consider making some changes. As you get to know someone better (and for longer) there should be a shift towards understanding him or her and communication should improve, rather than get worse, over time.
4) There’s always drama. Would there be less drama in your life if a certain someone wasn’t a part of it? Some drama can keep life interesting and bring people closer together; but incessant turmoil can become a major source of stress and displeasure. If someone has tried to physically assault you, or is hurling hateful and degrading comments at you, you are better off cutting this person out of your life. It should be noted that physical assaults are easy to detect, but mental abuse is harder to spot. Be mindful of people who try to manipulate your mind, lower your self esteem, and generally make you feel bad about yourself.
5) You find yourself being isolated from important people in your life. Is someone trying to make you feel like your close friends and family members don’t have your best interests at heart (while you know without a doubt that they actually do)? This isolation is potentially a sign that this individual may attempt to control you and doesn’t want anyone to interfere when they do.
6) The relationship is starting to feel like a competition, where you two are going back and forth trying to hurt each other. Once this cycle starts, be sure to put a stop to it or end the relationship. The past shouldn’t be continuously brought up to hurt someone in the present. Mistakes should be used as a tool for growth, change and progress in a relationship.
7) Walls are being put up when important topics should be discussed. Communication is key for any successful relationship. If someone is putting up barriers, throwing tantrums or running away when important things need to be discussed, something is wrong. These types of reactions are toxic and immature.
8) You feel like this person is bringing you down rather than lifting you up. Pay attention to your gut feelings. If you feel like someone is getting in the way of your goals, dreams, ideas or other relationships, consider making some changes or cutting them out of your life. Otherwise, you will begin to resent him or her for the opportunities that could of been had.
9) You feel like you are always giving, while the other person is constantly taking. Are you always bailing this individual out of problems that they themselves have created? Are you always going out of your way for this person, while they never do so for you? Does the relationship feel imbalanced with hard evidence to support your feelings? If yes, it’s time for an important discussion.
10) You feel like you can never do anything right. If you are always “wrong” in someone’s eyes, no matter what you do, the relationship is definitely wrong. Some people cannot accept their shortcomings and will project their issues onto you. You have three options with these types of individuals: either you can understand and accept that this is how the relationship will be, or you can try to convince the other person that they need to change and are making you feel this way, or you can end the relationship.
This year, be mindful of those you surround yourself with. Life is short, and shouldn’t be wasted on people who don’t add to your life in a positive way. You can’t always choose who enters your life, but you can choose how often you interact with them.
If you are at a crossroads in your relationship, and cannot figure out whether you should save your marriage or end it, take some time to think about some very important things. First, recognize that your happiness is at stake. Many people in our community end up living a life that is a lie, for the sake of their parents; to protect their reputation, and out of fear of “what other people will say.” Some people may argue that happiness is not the end-all-be-all factor. To be honest, happiness is connected to your mental health. If you live unhappily, you are essentially ruining your life – this precious gift that has been offered to you. Recognize that confining yourself to an unhappy marriage is like sending yourself to jail – albeit a mental prison instead. “What people will say” should not take priority over your happiness and your peace of mind. “Other people” are not going to be the ones walking in your shoes, passing the time and living through the days. They are not going to pay your bills, and protect your children. They are simply an audience, and they will talk about you, no matter what you do – good or bad. People will talk about you whether you “walk a straight line” or you don’t. Many of us confine ourselves to toxic relationships because we don’t want to disappoint our parents. If your parents truly care about your wellbeing, they will want you to be happy, and they will understand your decision.
If you are truly miserable in your marriage, prior to finalizing a divorce, consider couples therapy or independent sessions with a psychologist or counsellor. Sometimes, we have unresolved issues from our childhood that we are accidentally carrying into our adult relationships. It is often difficult for a person to see what they are doing wrong in a situation. By opening up to a third party in confidence, we are able to obtain an unbiased perspective from a knowledgeable professional. Studies have shown that all forms of psychotherapy lead to individual growth in one way or another. Talking out loud leads to insight, which leads to understanding, and enables us to make changes in our day to day lives. More often than not, counselling will improve your relationships and your mental state. Try hard to fix your relationship, especially if you truly care about the person you are with, and have invested a lot of time and energy into it. Every marriage has hurdles – that is the reality. Everyone will annoy you or irritate you in one way or another. You just have to decide who’s worth the long-term commitment. If you try your best to salvage the relationship, but you are still utterly unhappy, be aware that it is never too late to leave, even though “divorce is not an option” in our community.
Sunny Singh is proudly representing Canada in the Hollywood scene as a three-time World Police Games Gold medalist. Sunny’s commitment to his career and representing his nation is continuously demonstrated. He was competing in the World Police Championship in British Columbia in 2009, when he found out that his father passed away. He was on the floor during a competition when he found out, and someone said, “Do you want to fight or give up? You already have silver Sunny.” He did not give up, and ended being recognized as World Champion. Sunny refused to attend his father’s funeral so that he could represent Canada. He has competed in more than 150 tournaments nationally and internationally.
Sunny holds dual citizenship, as a Canadian and British national, having immigrated to Canada from the United Kingdom in 2005. He has travelled across the world, including: USA, Europe, New Zealand, Singapore, India, Thailand and Switzerland. Sunny’s goal is to use his martial arts skills to become a well-known martial arts actor. Aside from martial arts, Sunny enjoys boxing and cricket. He considers boxing as a good cardio workout, and a way to gain stamina, and it is a sport in which is he still undergoing training.
Sunny has completed various projects and has future projects in both Hollywood and Bollywood. In a movie called Jun, Sunny played the role of an assassin. He is featured in a film called Replican, which will be released next year. He was responsible for directing all fight scenes as a fight choreographer and second lead villain in Futureshift, his first feature film in Canada. Replican and Futureshift were directed by Susan Thomas. Next year, Sunny will play the role of a secret agent in a movie in New York. He will also be part of a major bodyguard fight scene, working with Cynthia Rothrock in Two Days and Two Kills, directed by Dave Durch. He will be showcased in the beginning, middle and end of the movie; a major Hollywood accomplishment. Sunny’s life story will also be coming to the big screen soon, in a film called Bitto Guru.
What is it about this group of artists that has captivated so many theatregoers worldwide—transcending culture, race, and ethnicity? And why are Chinese people flying out of mainland China to Taiwan and other locations in order to see the show?
‘The highest realm in arts’
“Demonstrating the highest realm in arts, Shen Yun inspires the performing arts world,” said Chi Cao, principal dancer with the Birmingham Royal Ballet and lead actor in “Mao’s Last Dancer.”
Certainly, Shen Yun draws top artists from around the world including winners of international competitions in classical Chinese dance and music. Its production charms showgoers through superb dance and a unique orchestra highlighting Chinese melodies in a seamless combination of Eastern and Western instruments.
In addition, the all-new program every year is a visual feast showcasing exquisite handmade costumes and state-of-the-art technological innovations. This includes groundbreaking animated backdrops that extend the stage and transport theatregoers into different realms, depicting the natural world as well as ancient Chinese art, such as classical Chinese gardens and heavenly scenes often portrayed in Buddhist paintings.
Contributing to the extraordinary performance is not only the artists’ and the entire team’s talent and vigorous devotion to excellence, but their deep belief in and embodiment of Shen Yun’s mission.
Inner beauty and purity
Established in 2006, New York-based Shen Yun was founded on the mission of reviving the authentic traditional culture of China through classical Chinese dance and music.
The company’s dancers train many hours a day, emphasizing form, bearing, and technical skills. The concept of bearing is particularly important in classical Chinese dance. It is the element that allows the performer to express inner feelings through movement, where the nobler the dancer’s character, the more outstanding the dance.
As such, Shen Yun performers not only devote themselves to practicing technique but also to refining their personal character through what is called self-cultivation in traditional Chinese culture. It is rooted in the ancient Chinese belief that to create true art, there must first be inner beauty and purity.
‘The beauty of divine beings dancing’
The name Shen Yun in fact means “the beauty of divine beings dancing.” It reflects the company’s aspiration to share with audiences the ancient Chinese belief that the arts are a gift to humankind from heaven.
It also echoes the ideals of the moral and spiritual values that define the heart and soul of traditional Chinese culture, such as benevolence and justice, propriety and wisdom, respect for and faith in heaven, and divine retribution.
These are principles that have largely been lost in China following decades of communist repression. Indeed, Shen Yun cannot be seen in mainland China, where its mission to revive the age-old spiritual essence of traditional China is not permitted in the officially atheistic country.
‘Go back and see it six times’
For its part, Shen Yun masterfully presents the noble values and splendid artistry of China’s ancient culture in their authentic form, rooted in 5,000 years of civilization. The effects are deeply felt by audience members.
“There is no word to describe it. … If I had to, the words might be ‘divine,’ ‘reborn,’ and ‘hope,’” said cello virtuoso Christine Walevska.
“The human spirit, the dignity, the power, the love of those people was astounding. … This is the profound quintessential end of entertainment. There is nothing beyond this, nothing,” said former producer Jim Crill.
“I have reviewed over 3,000 shows, none can compare to what I saw tonight. … Five stars! The top!” said renowned Broadway critic Richard Connema. “Go back and see it six times.”
Shen Yun returns to the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver March 23–25 for its 11th season. For more information, please visit ShenYun.com/Van
A TFSA is a savings account where you can put your money and let it grow in eligible investments. Any money you “make” off these savings (interest, dividends, capital gains) is tax-free for life. You can withdraw your money at any time, for any reason, and the withdrawals are tax-free. TFSAs do not affect your annual tax filing whatsoever. They are a good place to put your money if you want it to grow, and if you want to be able to access it whenever, hassle-free.
RRSPs on the other hand, are highly valuable during tax time. Putting your money into RRSPs is a good way to receive a better refund (or lower owing balance) during tax time. However, there are important deadlines. For instance, for the 2017 year (which you will file taxes for in 2018), you need to put money into RRSPs between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017; or the extended deadline between January 1, 2018 and February 28, 2018. Any money you put aside during these periods will be claimed for your 2017 tax year as non-taxable income.
It is important to note that RRSPs are less accessible than TFSAs. If you withdraw money from your RRSPs, you will be charged a withholding tax at the time of the withdrawal, which ranges between 10% to 30%, depending on how much money is withdrawn. You will also be dinged at tax time, as the money withdrawn is considered “taxable income.” These tax-time costs depend on your income and overall tax situation. Furthermore, sometimes there are limits as to the “reasons” for which you can withdraw the money. For example, if your RRSPs are managed by your employer, you may only be able to withdraw them for the purchase of a home, or for tuition fees. In addition to this, money must usually sit in an RRSP account for 90 days, before it can be accessed for a purchase.
When deciding between a TFSA or RRSP, assess your overall household situation, and see what works best for you. You can also talk to a financial advisor or tax planner for advice.
AAJ Magazine: When did you start your weight loss journey?
Raghbir: I got my gym membership in 2010 and that’s when it all began.
AAJ Magazine: How much did you weigh when you started?
Raghbir: When I went to the gym on my first day, they did a fitness evaluation. In the evaluation, they check your height, weight and body fat percentage. On my fitness evaluation, I weighed in at 302 pounds and 27.8% body fat.
AAJ Magazine: How much do you weigh now?
Raghbir: If we take out these holidays (lol) . . . my normal weight fluctuates between 185-190 pounds. But 176 pounds is the lightest I ever was.
AAJ Magazine: What made you decide to make a change?
Raghbir: Nothing made me decide to make a change. It was more along the lines of adulthood happening. I joined the gym because the very few friends I had moved to different cities to go to college. This resulted in me having no one to hang out with, which was a blessing in disguise. This eliminated any chances of me going out and eating at fast food restaurants. Instead, I started eating healthier (at home) and started spending more time at the gym due to not having anyone to hang out with.
AAJ Magazine: What kept you motivated and disciplined?
Raghbir: Since I didn’t have any peers to spend time with, it resulted in me spending more time at the gym, which I previously mentioned. But due to that blessing in disguise I started spending 2-3 hours at the gym. This sped up my weight loss results. Once I saw the first 10 pounds drop on the scale . . . oh boy! It became an obsession/addiction and the mind started to wonder how much more weight the body can lose! And at the point, I was extremely motivated because I really really badly wanted to get in shape because I was witnessing results. I also have a fitness idol I follow, which is Hrithik Roshan. I always read about him or looked at his pictures, which kept me motivated to work out and disciplined to stay on the healthy lifestyle. But ultimately, I just don’t want to go back to where I was before. The fear of going back to that 302 pounds is what keeps me motivated, disciplined and focused.
AAJ Magazine: What is the key to weight loss based on your experience?
Raghbir: The answer to this question is going to seem played out because you hear it from every trainer or dietician or fitness models, but the correct diet is the key to weight loss. But I also want to add another key . . . This might sound odd, but in my personal experience the key has been giving up going out with friends. I believe that giving up that life where you always go out with your friends was a huge key which helped me lose over 120 pounds. Not going out helped me make better diet choices. I was able to stay focused on my own diet.
AAJ Magazine: What are your favourite exercises?
Raghbir: One of my favourite exercises will always be running or any type of cardio. Another exercise I absolutely love is pull ups. I love pull ups because I remember when I first started going to the gym I could barely hang from the pull up bar because I weighed so much. But over this journey, I saw my weight and body fat percentage go down and slowly I saw that I was able to do one pull up, then two, then three, then four. Today I can do close to twenty pull ups. So pull ups has to be one of my favourite exercises along with cardio.
AAJ Magazine: What are your favourite healthy foods?
Raghbir: I’m a pure vegetarian, so a lot of my diet is a plant based diet and plant based protein. One healthy food I absolutely hated but have now fallen in love with is oatmeal! Some of my other favourite healthy foods are veggie burgers, squash spaghetti, peanut butter.
AAJ Magazine: What are some key tips/advice you have for people who want to lose weight?
Raghbir: My advice to beginners would be to no look at the peak of the mountain because then you’ll think to yourself that today is only my first day and I’ll never get there. Rather, the best way to look at it is: “One Day At A Time, One Meal At A Time, One Step At A Time!” We ever tend to get discouraged when we first start college. We never say on the first day of college that, “Oh great! I have 4 years to go until I get my Masters, I’m never going to achieve it!” We don’t say that. We take it one day at a time, one test at a time, one final at a time and one semester at a time. The same should apply to fitness.
Among them is seventeen-year-old Kourosh Ershad from North Vancouver. Like any kid growing up in BC, Kourosh was a huge fan of the Vancouver Canucks, who dreamed of being part of a hockey team.
“I remember Kourosh watching the Canucks in 2011,” recalled Kourosh’s dad, Farzad. “He was mesmerized. Since then, he wanted to be involved with any type of sports in any way possible.”
However, as a child with autism, Kourosh faced a number of challenges to participate in sports and rec compared to his typically-developing peers. While there is significant variability among those who share the diagnosis, the core difficulty with individuals with autism is social communication.
“Kourosh is high-functioning, but as a boy who started talking at 7 years old, comprehension and communication were always a huge challenge for him,” Farzad explained.
Because of these difficulties, children with autism often benefit from coaches and teachers taking the time to break down and repeat their instruction.
Enrolling Kourosh in a typical sports program meant throwing him into a fast-paced environment that he was likely unprepared for. In order to enjoy the thrill of sports that he was so fascinated with, it was very clear that he needed close attention and individualized support.
It was not until the Ershads found the Canucks Autism Network (CAN) that they began to see a path for Kourosh to achieve his dream. Since 2008, CAN has successfully delivered a wide range of sports and recreation programs to children and families living with autism across BC.
The non-profit organization was founded ten years ago by Paolo and Clara Aquilini, co-owners of the Vancouver Canucks. Like Farzad, their son was diagnosed with autism and they identified a void in the community for high quality sports programs that met the unique needs of children with autism.
At CAN, Kourosh was able to receive one-to-one support from highly trained staff and dedicated volunteers in weekly soccer and ice skating programs. “It was so important that Kourosh was never alone,” Farzad explained. “He always had a CAN instructor by his side, receiving the close attention and constant communication that he needed.”
Before long, Kourosh’s abilities on the ice progressed to the point that he could become a member of CAN’s Vancouver Orcas in October 2015. The Orcas are one of two adapted hockey teams that CAN runs for children and youth with autism. In CAN’s weekly hockey program, Kourosh not only learned the basics of passing, stickhandling and shooting, he was taught the nuances of interacting with his peers and the social elements of teamwork.
Kourosh thrived. Week after week for two years, his confidence grew. “Kourosh was such a positive presence in the locker room – always laughing,” recalls Ryan Yao, CAN’s Manager of Strategic Sponsorships and former Program Coordinator. “He became a leader and someone that his teammates truly looked up to.”
In April 2017, Kourosh travelled with the Orcas to Penticton for CAN’s annual hockey tournament. Playing against other adapted teams from across BC, Kourosh scored two goals in one of the tournament games and was named MVP.
Following the tournament, Kourosh challenged his parents to make a pivotal decision. With years of experience in CAN programs at his back, he was ready to compete alongside typical peers in the North Vancouver Minor Hockey Association (NVMHA).
This past September, Kourosh signed up for his local bantam team. To his family’s surprise, the new team was led by a coach that had previously worked with CAN. Kourosh’s new coach was able to work with the Ershads to ensure a smooth transition from CAN’s adapted setting to the less-supported environment of a minor hockey team.
Kourosh’s new team does not provide the one-to-one support that he originally required with CAN. But thanks to the guidance that CAN has provided to Kourosh and his family with respect to the sports and rec world, he no longer requires the same level of attention to participate.
Kourosh and his family have successfully leveraged their experience with CAN to explore additional opportunities in their community. Kourosh now has the social and athletic confidence to pursue a lifetime of physical activity and thrive. To date, he already has one goal and 11 assists with his new team in North Vancouver.
Thanks to CAN, Kourosh is living his dream and showing no signs of slowing down.
The Canucks Autism Network delivers over 400 sports and rec programs to over 3,200 members annually. For more information on joining, supporting or volunteering for the Canucks Autism Network, please visit canucksautism.ca.
“I’ve always had this idea in my head to put colorful paint, fabrics, symbols and stones together. It wasn’t until that trip I started talking about it to a friend. We had just seen a ton of amazing artwork. It was then I was asked – why aren’t you doing it?”
With a busy career in radio, television and DJing events – time was the main excuse for Kuljeet Kaila. “I thought about it lots after that trip and tried to eliminate all the excuses. I must have really put it out there.” Shortly after that trip, Kuljeet was laid off from a radio job and suddenly had more time and less excuses. “I got a lovely gift card from that same friend to buy art supplies and just started. I soon found it to be the only thing I could do where I didn’t have to worry about making mistakes or missing deadlines – it was so freeing.”
Putting it all on canvas also proved to be very healing for Kuljeet, who then started researching the meaning of different colours, stones, symbols and even feng shui. Kuljeet also enlisted the help of a couple of local energy healers to learn more. “Soon, I was getting calls from their clients to create pieces for their homes and offices; and some of the work I was doing was very much in line with feng shui. It all started to make sense – everything has meaning.”
It has turned into a journey of learning and finding purpose on many levels for this artist. Kuljeet’s artwork is featured on a new website with definitions of each piece, but the healing power of art has inspired Kuljeet to use it to help heal others.
After spending close to 20 years in media, travelling all over the world, covering various stories, producing documentaries and learning people’s stories, there were 2 things that always stuck with her.
“I will never forget meeting families of terminally ill children. It broke my heart in so many ways and although there isn’t much you can do to help with the outcome, you can help along the way – be it paying bills or assisting with outings. I decided I would sell my artwork to help a couple of causes including this one locally.”
The other cause near and dear to Kuljeet’s heart are orphanages in India that take in girls who are given up, abandoned, and in some cases dumped at birth.
“It was probably one of the harshest stories I have ever had to cover and it always stuck with me. I was horrified that a family would do this and then also amazed by those who gave them a second chance.”
Kuljeet will be visiting the Unique Home for Girls in India next spring, and is hoping the artwork will help generate a significant donation.
Some of Kuljeet’s work will be showcased at events and inside local temples and restaurants. With no set prices, Kuljeet is hoping people will bid and donate what they can if they like a piece. “I also get requests to do custom pieces for homes or offices with certain colors and symbols, so I am open to that too.”
To view the artwork and read more, visit www.customizedartwork.com or find Kuljeet’s art page on Facebook.
]]>1) FIFA World Cup
2018’s World Cup Tournament will be the 21st FIFA World Cup. This is a quadrennial and international soccer tournament, and is scheduled to take place in Russia from June 14th to July 15th.
2) Winter Olympics
The Olympic Winter Games is an international sporting event that takes place once every four years. With the last event held in Russia in 2014, South Korea will be hosting the Games this February in Pyeongchang.
3) A Royal Wedding
Prince Harry recently proposed to American beauty Meghan Markle. The pair are set to be married on May 19th, 2018, and you can be sure that the festivities will be splashed all over your Snapchat, FaceBook and Instagram accounts.
4) Commercial Flights to Antarctica Will Officially Start Flying for the First Time Ever
Prior to 2018, people could only travel to Antarctica via special arrangements such as charter flights or ships. Now, tourists will be able to fly to Antarctica from Argentina on a regular basis. The flights will depart at least once a week, and will land on Seymour Island. Commercial flights previously avoided flying over Antarctica because Federal Aviation Administration rules stated that aircrafts must always be within an hour of an airport to land in case of an emergency. Flying over Antarctica was considered too risky and dangerous.
5) A New Jurassic World Movie is Being Released
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, the next film in the sequel trilogy and part of the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park series, will hit theatres in June. Based on the success of the past movies, we know this one will also be amazing.
6) Eminem May Go On Tour
With the recent release of Eminem’s newest album (Revival), there is a high likelihood that the famous rapper will go on tour in 2018. His last tour took place in 2014, and who knows when he will release another album (if ever) again!
7) Bitcoin Boom?
A few years ago, a bitcoin was practically worthless. The digital currency made headlines in 2017 when it was determined that one unit of the digital coin was reaching close to the $20,000 mark. Start investing! With technological innovation on the rise, the value of Bitcoins will probably only increase.