Your Tax Dollars at Work
Election season is upon us, and British Columbians should be prepared for a blizzard of spending announcements and bad policy choices. It kicked off in late July when the Christy Clark government changed its mind on a foreign homebuyer’s tax. After years of making the...Casteism
In 1955, the Constitution of India enacted the Untouchability Act, which was later renamed as the Protection of Civil Rights Act, which abolished the caste system. Yet, despite this legislation caste still appears to be a central prejudice which affects many people....Autism
The term autism was first coined in 1940 however, awareness has increased in the recent years. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a fairly common condition affecting almost 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls. It encompasses a number of clinical entities with varying...
Keeping Creativity Alive
I’ve been an artist since I could remember (or at least that is what I called myself since the day I discovered crayons.) It’s been said that everyone is born with creativity, but as we grow older, we grow out of our creative mind, just as we grow out of...« Older Entries